Saturday, June 5, 2010


First I have to apologize, again and in advance, for not keeping Lil Miss Kaiya's blog up-to-date....and it might continue this way.  But being back at work, even if it's only half a day, I don't get a chance to take as many pictures of Kaiya.  I'll work on it, though.

Anyway, a little over a month ago, Eric and I planted a bunch of herbs and fruit/vegetables.  They're doing great...and Kaiya and mommy water them (almost) everyday.  Aunty Sally (Great-Gma Lina's sister) said there was an old wive's tale about a certain action (which I forgot, but Kaiya does do) means that the baby will have a green thumb.  Maybe that's why our garden is growing so well.  :)

Here's some pics of what we's just the beginning and hopefully by the end of summer we'll be able to harvest some fruit/veggies.  The herbs are ready to go already.

...bell peppers...
...basil, which we planted over a year ago, thought was dead for about a year, was too lazy to replant, then all of a sudden came back to life after a big week of rain...
...tomatoes, which we need to cage up... onion, dill, thyme and chinese parsley (cilantro)...
...kaiya helping mommy water the garden...
...foxxy barking at us like she usually does...
...yasu saying "cheese"...
...yasu's UH jibbitz (is that what they're called?)...
...kaiya enjoying the outdoors and her stroller...

1 comment:

  1. what the hell is on yasu's face? doesn't his mom take care of him? geez...


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