Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The DIY Show Off: Silhouette SD Giveaway at the DIY Show Off!

Lately I've been "following" a bunch of DIY/craft/art blogs since I've been on this toddler art kick. Once in a great while I will enter a blog giveaway because they're giving away something cool that is pretty much out of my price range, so I figure what's the harm in entering. All the blogs I've seen go to this random number generator...and that's how the winner is chosen. But you have to leave a comment, or follow their blog, or link back to their blog. is the most recent blog giveaway that I am entering. It's for a Silhouette Machine, and Roeshel of the DIY Show Off blog is giving one away. Hey...if I win, BONUS. If not, oh well.

Here's the link so you can see for yourself all the fun artsy crafty things the Silhouette machine can do.

The DIY Show Off: Silhouette SD Giveaway at the DIY Show Off!: "SILHOUETTE SD GIVEAWAY! I've been so excited about this day for you! The time has finally arrived! Hurray!!! Last week I showed you..."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO much for posting about the giveaway!

    Kaiya is a doll!

    Good luck!



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